Friday, 3 May 2013

Windmill Shoot–During the day


During the day

  • Eat/Drink
  • MUA take far longer than you would have thought.
  • Some photographers may hoard the pool models.
  • If you have five minutes with a model, then make sure the end results are good. It’s better to spend four of those minutes moving to a better location or changing the lights, than to have five minutes in a poor location as it will show in the photos.
  • Allow enough time for special shots (including the time in makeup etc.)
  • Have a generic idea and location for your first model, or a location which you can guarantee no one else will use.

Finally, the end results . . . .



Windmill photo shoot


It is now a week after my Windmill photo shoot & this post is all about the planning.

  • If working with TF models, agree the terms/model release forms before the shoot.
  • Review all props, are you actually going to use them?
  • Have breakfast.
  • Have a cut off date for photographers to cancel and get a refund.
  • Ask the MUA/Stylists what space they need.

A few behind the scene shots.

