Tuesday, 24 July 2012


I’ve just contacted my first professional model, and whilst I wait for her to reply, I’ve been investigating a few tips for dealing with models.

Get all the paperwork/admin stuff sorted at the beginning of the shoot or earlier if possible. e.g.: model release form, agree payment and whether travel expenses are included (This should be discussed beforehand) and if the model will get any images.

Before the day of the shoot - Explain the project, don’t mention specific poses unless it’s something a model might need to prepare for, but give enough detail to let the model decide if they want to be involved in the project.

At the beginning of the shoot , start with a drink and some chit chat and then get into work, try to explain the photos and talk a lot with the model.

Anything to do with the shoot has to be paid time, so that includes getting changed, putting on make-up, discussion etc

Have the money in an envelope ready for the model at the end of the shoot.

Tips to maximize the time...

  • All lights are on stands, modifiers at the ready.
  • Camera cards ready to go.
  • Shoot area (location or studio) is set and created for maximum access.
  • As a photographer, I am as ready to go when she gets there.

Model etiquette:

  • Being on time is so very important. When they are late, it may cost you additional for hair/MU. Let them understand that this is a problem and work out what happens if anyone on the shoot is late.
  • If a model comes in after 2 hours sleep. Make it clear that I have no intention of working with someone who is 3 sheets to the wind, dead tired, puffy, bloated, and staring at me with bloodshot eyes. (NOTE: If it is a commercial gig, that is the client's call... but when it is MY gig it is my call.)
  • Models should have their wardrobe hanging. If it is stuffed in a bag and must be ironed or steamed out, then this is done on the model’s time.
  • Models who show up in tight underwear for shoots where those parts of the body will be seen may have to wait up to 45 minutes for strap lines to go away.  Models show up in loose fitting clothes with NO lines when that is something that will be necessary in the photo.
  • Nails and pedicures are NOT on my time. Do them at the studio or at home, but showing up with crappy fingernails is not an automatic hour of my funds.
    Hair washed, dried and ready for styling. If there is no stylist/MUA, then model comes in base with hair in rollers/or ready for her own styling

Although it should be agreed before hand, it doesn’t hurt to giver the model some photos from the shoot as it costs nothing and spreads goodwill and give the photographer some publicity (A couple of web res photos should do)

Wednesday, 13 June 2012



Inspired by some blog articles from fellow London strobists: Emil & Tyla, (http://www.emilanos.co.uk/wpemil/blog/ & http://londonerphotography.blogspot.co.uk/) I decided to try my hand at taking photos of strangers. I don’t mean some candid street style shots, but asking people if I could take their photo.

Let’s deal with the first big issue, Yes, it’s terrifying going up to total strangers and ask them if they would pose. However I have asked five people, and all five have said yes so it’s not that difficult.

I started with the ice cream seller, who was offering free samples of pistachio ice cream.


During my next visit to Borough Market, I wanted to get a photo of a stall trader who I had seen earlier in the week. I just thought the hat and the moustache made him an interesting character. We chatted briefly; he was concerned that the photos would be used commercially. Luckily I had both my LFB & Tiny Acorn business cards, so I gave him one of the LFB ones and offered him a copy of the photo if he wanted it (I didn’t get an email from him, so I guess he didn’t want a copy)

I talked to another stall holder; a young lady who had a stunning smile, but although she agreed to have here photo taken, wouldn’t look at the camera, so the photos weren’t very good. Although, according to Phil (Who unknown to me, was standing behind me) my small talk (Or chat up lines as he referred to it) were good.

So, far, I felt as if I had been cheating a little bit, as all these people were selling things, so might have had an ulterior motive when I asked if I could photo them.  I decided I needed to approach someone who wasn’t selling stuff. I picked on Jess’ owner. An old guy, waiting for his wife, having a quick smoke with Jess the dog (I never got the man’s name)


Friday, 24 February 2012

52 Week Challenge


This year I’ve decided to challenge myself by taking a photo every week based on a different theme. Although I’m only a few weeks into the challenge, I’ve learnt a lot.

  • COLD – Sometimes the props have a life of their own, or their own limitation (Who of thought ice melts so fast!)
  • BREAKFAST - Having a good idea of the final shot before you start shooting improves the final shot.
  • MONEY - I’m now capable of setting up my kit & take technically sound photos in record fast time.
  • TIREDNESS – Sometimes it doesn’t matter if the photo is just grabbed, it’s better have at least something.
  • BODY – Once I start shooting, the ideas start flowing.
