Sunday, 27 November 2011

Things I’ve learnt


I’m often asked about the basics about aperture, shutter speed, dof etc. etc. Recently I’ve explained how to turn a grey background into a white one, and this made me realise that in the last couple of years I’ve learnt a lot. This is just a list of the stuff I’ve learnt for when I feel the photography gods have forsaken me.

  • It’s really simple to get a flash off a camera – This is perhaps the one thing I’ve learnt, that’s had the largest impact on my photography. This is in terms of the effect it’s had on my photos, the direction I’m taking and my view on photography in general.
  • The word “strobist” – The word has lead me to some great websites, and a great group of people & a fabulous photo-shoot.
  • Using my camera in manual - Understanding how shutter speed affects the ambient light & the aperture affects the flash.
  • How to use a flash to over power the colour of a background. – Still haven’t mastered this technique, but it’s getting close.
  • How dof is dependent on how far the initial focal point is – Focusing up close will give you a reduced dof compared with focusing further away (Assuming the same aperture)
  • Selling pictures is really difficult – Just because I think they’re great, doesn’t mean everyone does.
  • Selling pictures is really easy – The right photo will sell, strangers do appear out of no where and offer to buy your photos.
  • Copyright – ALWAYS, ALWAYS protect your photos.
  • Always check your kit a couple of days before a shoot – Make sure there’s enough time to order a replacement if needed.
  • On a shoot, the room is always smaller than you thought it would be.
  • How shooting in RAW can save the picture. – I’ve recovered photos (when the flash has failed), that I still can’t believe.