Sunday, 30 October 2011

Tips for a shoot


I’m always trying to learn, so here a few tips I’ve learnt the hard way.

  • Always have poses prepared. It’s worth having a plan for the first 10-15 mins. This comes in handy when the brain suddenly decides to stop working, or something happens just as you arrive at the shot.
  • Don’t have your models too close to background – They can often cast shadows onto the background and if shooting high key, the lit background acts as huge light source lighting the subject, like a rim light.
  • Consider trying to get the kids on your own, away from their parents – You may get more from kids.
  • A small seat might be useful on a shot, a stool is even better as it’s got no back.
  • Teach your assistance how to put up/pack away the the kit.
  • Have a check list of your kit, which you can go through when you’re leaving.
  • Bottle of water, and maybe snacks if a long shoot.

Friday, 28 October 2011

Growing the Acorn . . .


With my first paid shoot in some time just around the corner, I decided I should increase my online presence.

Firstly, I’ve decided on having two blogs,one on Wordpress and a new one on blogspot, which is owned by Google, so I image its indexed quite often. The content will be the same, I’m just trying to cover all the bases.

I’ve also signed as a business on Google, so should appear in their online directory for Littlehampton based photographers.

I’m planning on submitting my url to a load of online directories and I’m even thinking about redesigning my website. – The Littlehampton Photographer who brings the studio to you.