Inspired by some blog articles from fellow London strobists: Emil & Tyla, ( & I decided to try my hand at taking photos of strangers. I don’t mean some candid street style shots, but asking people if I could take their photo.
Let’s deal with the first big issue, Yes, it’s terrifying going up to total strangers and ask them if they would pose. However I have asked five people, and all five have said yes so it’s not that difficult.
I started with the ice cream seller, who was offering free samples of pistachio ice cream.

During my next visit to Borough Market, I wanted to get a photo of a stall trader who I had seen earlier in the week. I just thought the hat and the moustache made him an interesting character. We chatted briefly; he was concerned that the photos would be used commercially. Luckily I had both my LFB & Tiny Acorn business cards, so I gave him one of the LFB ones and offered him a copy of the photo if he wanted it (I didn’t get an email from him, so I guess he didn’t want a copy)
I talked to another stall holder; a young lady who had a stunning smile, but although she agreed to have here photo taken, wouldn’t look at the camera, so the photos weren’t very good. Although, according to Phil (Who unknown to me, was standing behind me) my small talk (Or chat up lines as he referred to it) were good.
So, far, I felt as if I had been cheating a little bit, as all these people were selling things, so might have had an ulterior motive when I asked if I could photo them. I decided I needed to approach someone who wasn’t selling stuff. I picked on Jess’ owner. An old guy, waiting for his wife, having a quick smoke with Jess the dog (I never got the man’s name)